Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Andres' thoughts on camp and the lake

Skogfjorden is fun! We get to go swimming in a lake. We also play kanonball (or dodgeball). There is a candy shop where we can buy candy we don't normally get in America like Melkesjokolade (Milk Chocolate), uncommon Haribo candies (like: Sour S'getti, Frogs, Fizzy Cola, and Happy Cola) and Zots ( a hard candy that is sour in the middle). Zots comes in 6 different flavors; watermelon, grape, apple, orange, lemon, and cherry.

At Long Lake, my cousins and I went X-treme tubing. We went over big bumps, went fast and got "whipped". We also went water skiing! It took us a few tries to get up but, eventually, we could ski for a long way. I went fishing and caught three Bass.


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