Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rocky Mountain National Park

Had a great time visiting Rocky Mountain National Park. The weather was a bit cold and wet - but it can't be sunny every day. This was our first national park campground and had no power, water, cell connectivity, or any other convenience. It worked out just fine.

We did the drive to the highest elevation - over 12,000 feet, stopped by the continental divide, and a few visitors centers. We saw a great program on coyotes and another on squirrels. We are all learning quite a bit from the ranger talks.

A special part of this stop was that Erling's friend Rob stopped by for a cookout. Rob, Robyn, and their son Ryan drove a long way for a visit. It was great fun. Elena and Ryan became instant friends. We hadn't seen them since their wedding. Thanks Rob.

The Rocky mountains are pretty amazing. Glad we had the chance to stop. You can find more images of this stop.


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