But the thing about Yellowstone is that there is so much more to it that just one geyser. We spent only two days exploring the park. It is huge, so there is really no way we could see it all. Like most people say, it is also very crowded and has lots of traffic.
But, in just those two days, we saw an incredible variety of landscapes, from geysers to mountains, to grasslands and so much more. As you drive, you can be in one type of place and minutes later feel like you are somewhere completely different.
The list of animals we saw was long; a grizzly bear with her two cubs, a nest where an osprey fed its three young a fish, a herd of mule deer wandering in the road, an elk, and much more.
We stayed just outside the park in West Yellowstone at the Grizzly Campground. It was a good choice as a base. The campgrounds within Yellowstone aren't really geared toward campers and with the long distances, no matter where you stay you will be driving to get anywhere.
Yellowstone is impressive. Our two days just barely scratched the surface. Glad we had the chance to have a short visit.
More pictures.
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